The POWER 4 AY Program directly targets c.a. 20,000 AY 10-24 years old most impacted by inequality and discrimination in Albania, Bolivia, Nepal and Uganda.  These same countries who have finalized the implementation of the YEB in December 2021, have continued with the second programmatic phase challenged to adopt the POWER 4 AY for the next five years (July 2021-July 2026) according to each country´s contexts and strengths to ensure limited available resources are allocated where they are most needed and are efficiently delivered in a principled manner. 

Despite the diverse situations of AY, the POWER 4 AY Approach is adaptable and integrates Save the Children´s Common Approaches which are our best evidence-based understanding on how to address a particular problem facing children, adapted to multiple contexts and replicable in different countries.  Thus, a common framework is contextualized for the common objective of achieving adolescent wellbeing, understood as when adolescents have the support, confidence and resources to thrive in contexts of secure and healthy relationships, realizing their full potential and rights.